Author, Life Coach, & Wellness Traveler
Discover and use your intuition in every area of your life (3).png

Imagine this . . . 

It's 5am and you’re awake, one hour before your alarm clock is set to go off...

You're exhausted, but your brain is already racing over the 9 million things you have to do today. 

Not only do you have to go to work... 

You promised a friend you'd see a movie with her… 

The person you're dating wants to meet up afterward...

But all you really want to do is go to yoga because you haven't been in weeks...

There just hasn't been time... 

You get ready for work, jump in the car, and pop on your favorite podcast, but you're too tired to even listen.... 

All you can think about as you drive to work is how much you wish life didn’t feel like a constant struggle all the time. 

Now envision this...

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I can tell you this because I discovered how to find alignment and my life has forever changed.


I was tired of being exhausted and only experiencing brief moments of inspiration.

I was done working long hours and worrying about money.

I didn't want to overcommit or feel overwhelmed anymore.

I was sick of feeling guilty for saying "no" to people in my life.

I was done feeling scared to take the next big step in my business.

I knew I was ready to have the life I’d dreamed of.

Now was the time. . .

I needed to do something instead of listening to the negative thoughts in my head.

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What participants say:

I loved having the opportunity for 1-1 coaching with you, having video recordings, your constant positive support, and your ability to share where tools have changed your life. I definitely recommend this course for it’s supportive features and how simple it is to implement the content daily.
— Janina
This program really helped me figure out more about what alignment means for me and what is blocking me from achieving it. I loved being able to verbalize and work through these things, leaving me more confident to go after what I truly want. I always loved the video conference calls. I love hearing other’s stories and interacting in that way. With these programs, you are guaranteed to learn something about yourself and how to work through things that are holding you back. Marisa is so amazing to work with! Her love and passion for the work she does and her clients is more than evident. She is an excellent teacher!
— Ashley
Marisa, I want to share this with you! I was having a mini freak out about my business yesterday with lots of self-doubt so I used the tools you gave me and immediately relaxed. The next morning, I found out my husband got a raise. My worries were mostly about money. The universe is awesome!! And it gets even better…. My husband said I can quit my job and work on my business full time! I can barely contain my excitement. I keep thinking about my manifesting power when I get nervous, the tools calm me down. This is so magical! Thank you for teaching me all of this!
— Candice
I’m not sure how to even describe it, but all I can say is that I’m experiencing peace for the first time in years.
— J.D.

As a part of The Access, you’ll receive:

  • 12 90-minute online group video sessions over 4 months
    • 3 weeks + 1 Implementation week per month
    • Recordings available within 24 hours
  • Private Facebook Group 
  • Hot Seat Coaching for 1:1 support 
  • 3 guided meditations 
  • Bonus: Reading, podcasts, meditations, and other recommendations


Program Outline: 

Sessions 1-4: Awareness & Alignment  

Discover what commitments, people, and thoughts are keeping you totally stuck. Distinguish your ego and where it's getting in the way. 

Sessions 5-6: Intuition, Emotions, & Survival Brain

Learn how to get yourself out of survival brain and in tune with your intuition regularly.

Sessions 7-8: Judgements

Stop people-pleasing and clear judgements that are blocking you from experiencing what you desire. 

Sessions 9-10: Quantum Physics, Physiology, & Why Manifesting and the Law of Attraction are Real

Learn the science behind manifestation and how to apply it in your life.  

Sessions 11-12: Gratitude, Noticing the Magic, & Deep Diving

Discover where you're ignoring intuition and how you can you use it to make any life decision. Create an effortless routine that supports you to manifest your desires. 

The fourth week of every month is an implementation week. I'll have an office hours session during that week in our private Facebook Group to receive additional coaching. 


In order to make sure everyone has an amazing experience in this program, seating is limited. 

Enrollment Opens

February 10th-24th for (Program Starts Week of March 5th)

March 10th-24th (Program Starts Week of April 2nd)

April 10th-24th (Program Starts Week of May 7th)

May 10th-24 (Program Starts Week of June 4th)


Ready to enroll or want to know more? Schedule a discovery call today!

Or put yourself on the waiting list!