Activate Your Inner Magnetism Terms & Conditions
You will also receive an official contract with the same terms and conditions upon enrollment to electronically sign.
Client pays monthly coaching fee in advance of services
Client agrees that coached fee is non-refundable
If client discontinues course, remainder of payment is still owed, if applicable
1. As a client, I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my physical, mental and emotional well-being during my coaching calls, including my choices and decisions. I am aware that I can choose to discontinue coaching at any time.
2. I understand that “coaching” is a Professional-Client relationship I have with my coach that is designed to facilitate the creation/development of personal, professional or business goals and to develop and carry out a strategy/plan for achieving those goals.
3. I understand that coaching is a comprehensive process that may involve all areas of my life, including work, finances, health, relationships, education and recreation. I acknowledge that deciding how to handle these issues, incorporate coaching into those areas, and implement my choices is exclusively my responsibility.
4. I understand that coaching does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association. I understand that coaching is not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment and I will not use it in place of any form of diagnosis, treatment or therapy.
5. I promise that if I am currently in therapy or otherwise under the care of a mental health professional, that I have consulted with the mental health care provider regarding the advisability of working with a coach and that this person is aware of my decision to proceed with the coaching relationship.
6. I understand that information will be held as confidential unless I state otherwise, in writing, except as required by law.
7. I understand that certain topics may be anonymously and hypothetically shared with other coaching professionals for training OR consultation purposes.
8. I understand that coaching is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual or other qualified professionals. I will seek independent professional guidance for legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual or other matters. I understand that all decisions in these areas are exclusively mine and I acknowledge that my decisions and my actions regarding them are my sole responsibility.
I have read and agree to the above.
Activate Inner Magnetism Group Coaching Program Agreements January 2019-May 2019
1. I agree to play at 100% of my capacity and stretch myself in this class. That looks like giving myself permission to try new things and new ways of being, following the exercises as designed, participating in our private Facebook group and doing the best of my abilities, in all that I attempt.
2. I agree to complete all of the requested assignments and mark them off on my Trello board, at least 1 hour before my assigned group session. If I am unable to complete the assignments before the requested window, I will email Marisa, to update her of my progress.
3. I agree to complete the Weekly Productivity Template, every single week while in the Activate Inner Magnetism Group Coaching Program.
4. I agree to attend all of the live group coaching sessions to the best of my ability, and arrive 3 minutes before the start time, and stay on until the session completion. If I am unable to attend a live call, I will be late, or I am unable to stay the whole call, I will email Marisa at least 15 minutes prior to the call.
5. I agree to come to all live group coaching calls prepared with well thought-out questions based on the week’s module material. I am aware that if I do not have questions prepared, I willingly forego my 1:1 time during that pod call, and I agree to stay on the call and listen to the other coaching questions.
6. I agree to communicate directly with Marisa if I have a problem with the coaching, the course, or any of the Activate Inner Magnetism members while in this program. I agree to communicate immediately upon awareness of a problem, upset, or concern without harboring anything. If I am triggered by anything while in the course, have a concern about the well-being of myself or someone else, I agree to speak about it immediately.
7. I agree to be a helpful and supportive teammate to the other Elevate members while in the course.
8. I acknowledge that I am already whole, complete, and perfect and anything that I create inside of the Activate Inner Magnetism Group Coaching program is on top of my already perfect being.
9. I agree to keep the coaching that happens inside of group completely confidential.
10. I give myself permission to:
· Be facilitated
· Be coachable
· Be open
· Know and understand myself in new ways
· Receive and give freely to the other members
· Be enthusiastic, present, and kind
· To willingly activate my genius and magic
· Be the great self-coach I already am